By Pitch
Following my taking of a number of planets in this war which have required drastic measures to correct the PM in use which was not going to grow planets of any great size, I have undertaken writing the following guide to Planetary Management. This is a method which I have used with great success, consistently growing planets in the 16,000,000 to 25,000,000 range and if followed will result in planets of a like size for you.
There is nothing scientific about Pitchonomics. You do not need a calculator nor a separate PM program to devise "to the point" PM settings. The best thing about Pitchonomics is its ease of use and the ability (once you become familiar with the game) of varying the PM objectives easily and USUALLY without severe impact to the planets growth. Whether you intend the planet as one grown for size and score or prefer the battle side of SE and desire to grow ships and figs, Pitchonomics allows you the flexibility to grow your planets AND effectively grow your offensive weaponry.
The basic premise behind Pitchonomics is that with a large population base, the support areas of a planet, such as Ship Yards and Armaments, do not require large amounts of the population assigned to them to provide more than adequate Guns, Fighters, and Armaments., thereby allowing you to apply more of the population to Construction, resulting in increased growth and size, which requires less assigned to Ship Yards and Arms, etc...etc...etc...
To obtain 10,000 workers in Ship Yards:
1.On a 100,000 population planet would require 10% of the population assigned.
2.On a 1,000,000 population planet, only 1% of the population is required.
The need, therefore, is to get the population of your planets "up" as fast as you possibly can. The Pitch method, Pitchonomics, will allow you to do just that..
This text further includes a discussion on the Constant Feed Method, which is more or less a trademark of my PM. You may, as you take planets from others see this method in use. Know that this method was first devised for use in the early version of Stellar Emperor (although then, there was not a separate Factory Construction Effort, but rather Labor Sectors grew when there was adequate Engineers and an overage assigned to a labor sector) when dreadnoughts still flew the air. A version of it is still in use in MegaWars III over on CIS, and is used and was devised to be used to allow a labor sector to grow and immediately have access to the new growth.
Early planet selection is paramount in obtaining planets which will not only grow, but will further allow you to have a massive planet at the end of the war. The first 24 hours of a war are crucial to a planets growth. Delay in establishing your planets may additionally determine whether you have a chance at the presidency or not. A difference of 6 hours in establishing your planets can mean a difference of 1,000,000 in population by week 3 of a war.
Beyond a doubt, the Habitability (Hab) of a planet is the most important aspect of planet selection. The Hab of a planet is an indication of how close it is to the "earth" standard and how easy it is for a colonist to establish himself and succeed. Colonists will always migrate to the Higher Hab planets first. The higher the habitability of a planet, the faster the planet will grow and the lower the initial loan charged against the planet to establish the planet (This is the cost of the initial items provided a planet, 1 Gun, 100 troops, housing for the troops and 5000 colonists, transportation to the location, initial factory, shipyards and refineries.)
The initial loan amount is important as the planet needs to repay this loan to the Imperium before any "true" planet growth can occur. A portion of this loan is paid every game "day." Metal Units are required to make these payments and you will require an increased amount of mining to maintain the loan . This requires that you have MORE population assigned to Mining than you will require once the loan has been repaid. Obviously, it is easier to establish a base on a near earth like planet than it is to establish a base where climate or other factors make life difficult. Once the loan has been paid off, however, as much as 60% of the workers assigned to Mining (labor) can be re-assigned into construction. Try to establish planets with a habitability of MORE than 90. (There are usually a number of planets which meet this criteria.)
The metals of a planet is a close second to the planets Hab in determining a planets growth. There ain't no such thing as a free lunch, and all activities on a planet have a cost. Costs for building houses and refineries, costs to house, feed and maintain troops, costs to build guns, fighters, etc. Everything costs "something". Pitchonomics requires a minimum of 75% metals on a planet for EFFECTIVE results. Again, the higher the planet Metals Rating, the better. The Metals Rating of a planet are an indication of the "amount" of metals available AND the ease of mining those metals. The higher this value, the less you will require to assign to Mining to collect the ore which is then refined into metal units which are then used to meet the planet needs. [Planets with lower metals than 75% (74% down to 50%) can use Pitchonomics, but the results will not be as gratifying as higher metal rated planets. Planets with Metal Ratings of less than 50% require a different style of PM in order for the planet to be successful. I suggest that if you wish to establish low metal planets that you experiment with the PM discussed under Low Metals PM]
Establish your planets early, within hours of the start of a new war if possible. Establish planets with a Habitability of MORE than 89% and a Metals rating of MORE than 75%. ALWAYS PM your planets IMMEDIATELY after establishing them. Timing is crucial during the early stages of the game. Don't wait to locate 6 acceptable planets before doing your PM!
A key area of Pitchonomics, and a trademark of the system is what I call the Constant Feed Method. Labor sectors within SE are structured in such a manner that workers who are assigned to a Labor Sector may work in a sector requiring a lower skill level if no jobs are available to them in their currently assigned Labor area (as a result of the existing sector Capacity), and there is a position open in the lower skill areas. The skill structure table, listed in order of Most Skill Required to Least Skill Required is as follows:
4.Service Sector
Mining, Agriculture and Construction LABOR does not fall in the class of SKILLED labor and is therefore excluded from this "trickle-down" of the labor force.
The 4 areas of Skilled labor, with the sole exception of the Service Sector, requires that SOME labor is assigned to the Labor Sector in order for jobs to be available. The MINIMUM that may be assigned to a Labor Sector is .01 (point zero one) The following is an example of HOW you would use the Constant Feed Method:
Given the following Capacities
Industry % Capacity
Shipyards 1.00
Armaments 0.10
Engineers 10.00
Service Sector 5.00
Assign the following percentages to the labor Sectors
Industry % Assigned
Shipyards 17.98
Armaments 0.01
Engineers 0.01
Service Sector 0.00
The following will be the resultant ACTUAL Employment
Industry % Employed
Shipyards 1.00
Armaments 0.10
Engineers 10.00
Service Sector 5.00
Unemployment 1.90%
You can see that even though you didn't assign population to work to the capacity of these labor sectors, they are now employed to capacity. The amount assigned in SY over the Capacity of SY "trickles" over to Armaments until it reaches the Capacity of Arms which "trickles" over to BI to its capacity where it "trickles" over to the Service Sector. The excess then becomes unemployed.
The REASON that you would use this method is that if you were growing Shipyards, for example, you could assign 1% to Shipyards and then constantly adjust the amount you assign to SY as the capacity of shipyards increases, or you do not gain the benefit of the increased shipyards until you do readjust the amount assigned to SY. The Constant Feed Method, as your SY increases, DECREASES the amount assigned to Service Sector (or unemployment if there is any), keeping your SY MAXED and working for you and keeping your BI at MAX working hard at building more SY.
You can use this method as you are building your BI capacities required for EndGame as it ALWAYS insures that each of the Skilled Labor Sectors are operating to their Capacity. You should constantly monitor this, changing the amounts assigned to insure that there isn't any unemployment and that the ACTUAL assigned BI does not exceed your goal percentage for the given time during the war, i.e. 3% during weeks 1 and 2 and 5% during week 3.
This is the initial Planetary Management screen.
Aries (sm) Stellar Emperor (tm)
Planetary Management (PM)
1. List Owned Planets
2. Modify Planetary Operations
3. Modify Labor Assignments
4. Modify Commodities Stockpiles
5. Modify Ship Building Labor
6. Factory Construction Effort
7. Display Economic Report
8. Print Planetary Report
Reference to these Menu selections will be as PM Option 1 - 8. The following is a brief explanation of each.
1. List Owned Planets
This selection will list all of the planets that you have established and still own.
2. Modify Planet Operations
This selection will allow you to edit the following values:
1 Conscription Rate [0.00 to 100.00%]
2 Mercenary Force [0 to 99999999]
3 Immigration Rate [0 to 99999999]
4 Land Use Tax [0.00 to 100.00%]
5 Distress Radio Channel [0 to 999]
6 Team Access Code [Team Captain Ship Number]
7 Planet Name <______________________>
8 Trade Surplus [0.00 to 300.00]
1) Conscription Rate - This is the DESIRED percent of the population that you assign to be recruited as Mercenaries on your planet during a game year. Mercenaries are needed for the protection of your planet (10 Mercs are required to operate 1 gun) for offensive maneuvers (2 Mercenaries are required to fly a fighter during a planet attack) . During planet landings (the OCC command) Mercenaries are required for the attacking and defensive sides of that action. Mercenaries (more commonly called Troops in space) are further required to put down internal rebellions that occur when there is insufficient food on your planet (Food Riots) or when you run out of metal units on your planet (Looting riots). The number of Mercenaries on your planet will constantly change due to retirements, end of enlistments, old age, accidents, death, migration and etc. Setting this value between 0 (zero) and .04% (point zero four) will cause the number of Mercenaries on your planet to steadily decrease as a result of the aforementioned reasons. The "attrition" rate appears to lie in this area (0 to .04) Setting this value too high will affect planet growth, and MAY or MAY NOT be effective as this is the DESIRED value. I have seen MORE Mercenaries recruited over a given period of time and equally often LESS being recruited. Suffice to say, to a point, the higher the conscription, the more likely that the Mercenary numbers will Increase. Setting this value at anything above .05% (point zero five) will generally cause an increase to occur, the speed of the occurrence depending on the actual Conscription rate. [Hint - to increase your Mercenary levels at a faster rate, make sure that there is a percentage of UNEMPLOYED workers on your planet.]
2) Mercenary Force - This is a value that you set as the limit for the number of troops you
wish to maintain on your planet. Setting this value too low will cause excess troops to be shipped off planet (resulting in a population decrease and metals increase, usually slight if noticed) Setting this value too high will cause an large force to be amassed. A large force has to be paid so increased metals are required. A large force needs to be fed, so increased agriculture is required. A large force has to be housed, thereby taking away housing which "could" be used by construction workers. Consider the information discussed above under Conscription and add to it the following. don jose (9865) has successfully protected his planets from being taken with his famous "troops only" defense (a 6,000,000 planet with 2,000,000 troops present). This could be accomplished before in the game with less troops prior to the TRA command which now allows team members to join forces in attacking a planet. A planet with 500,000 troops can have these troops reduced to 0 in a matter of minutes with a 3 battleship (1000 figs, 10,000 troops) accomplishing a TRA. TRA is the game command whereby you, or another ship can TRAnsfer command or your ship to another player (or they to you) and allows this combination to now attack as one unit [see notes on TRA]
This same attack would take a single battleship a minimum of 6 full loads and a considerable amount of time (over an hour of attacking) to wipe out the Mercenary force. A defending force of 2,000,000 mercenaries is an extremely difficult challenge for a three ship TRA. Using a 5 ship TRA, we were able to reduce a planet with 4,600,000 troops in about 2 hours. Even though this defense takes longer to overcome it still can be accomplished. The problem is that with such a large Mercenary force, the size of your planet will be stunted. A planet having more population and less troops will easily outscore it. You need troops to take with you to attack other planets, so be sure to account for those needs in determining your Mercenary troop totals. [ See Stock Surplus]
3) Immigration Rate - This value governs the amount of immigrants which your planet will
allow to immigrate to it during a game year. Whether an immigrant CHOOSES to immigrate to your planet is governed by the Habitability (HAB) of the planet, the Standard of Living (SOL) of the planet and the available housing on your planet. This value should ALWAYS be set to the maximum, 99999999! Any other setting will limit the growth of the planet.
4) Land Use Tax - Pitchonomics requires that this value ALWAYS is set to 0 (zero)
Previous versions of Stellar Emperor had a need and use for money. The only reason you would require money in this version is to purchase repairs, missiles or torpedoes from team or Imperial bases. You can grow armaments and get repairs for free at your bases. When you tax a base, there is a corresponding increase in government personnel, which are needed to process, perform the taxing, etc., on your planet, which lowers the available work force for Construction. People who tax their planets have lots of money and SMALL planets. Taxes are usually easily available at established, unowned planets. Just orbit the planet and enter TAX.
5) Distress Radio Channel - This option allows you to select a radio channel, from 0 to 999
where the planet will broadcast a call for help when it is under attack. Teams normally have this channel (called the screamer) set to the same radio channel for all the team planets. You set one of your ships radio channels to this frequency so that if any team planet comes under attack, you and all team members that hear the help call can respond and provide team planet protection.
6) Team Access Code - This option allows you to enter the ship number of a Team Captain,
thereby "opening" your bases to all members of that team. (Planets may not be opened to non-team Captains) Team members will be allowed to repair at your bases for a cost to them; purchase torpedoes and missiles (if available) again at a cost to the team member. Setting this to a Team Captains ship further allows individuals to whom the planet is open to see the planets defenses and assess damage taken from an attack. No longer though are teammates allowed to add troops, guns, or fighters to a planet not owned by them. (as in Older SE versions and MegaWars3)
7) Planet Name - Self Explanatory
8) Trade Surplus - This option allows you to tell the planet to manufacture armaments on
your planet over and above your desired planet stockpiles which can then be made available to team members of the team to which you have opened your bases [See Team Access Code]
Setting this value to 100% does not mean that 100% of the manufactured Armaments are to be made available to the team, but rather that an ADDITIONAL amount, equal to 100% of your set stockpiles [See PM Option 4] will be manufactured following the completion of the amount desired for yourself which will then be made available to the team.. i.e. If you have set the Missile Stockpile at 100, 200 missiles would be manufactured. Teammates would not be able to purchase missiles UNTIL the missile total on the planet was OVER 100 missiles. Other settings, based on a 100 stockpile would result in: 50% 50 additional
missiles or 150 total missiles, 200% 200 additional missiles or 300 total missiles.
Trade surplus additionally affects your Mercenary Force totals and your planet GOODS stockpiles. The difference is that teammates cannot draw on these items. Be advised that if you desire a Mercenary total of 1,000,000 and have trade surplus set to 100%, Mercenary recruitment will continue until 2,000,000 Mercenaries are recruited.
3 Modify Labor Assignments
This menu option allows you to edit the labor force assigned to work in the following areas:
1 Service Sector
2 Mining
3 Agriculture
4 Engineers
5 Construction
6 Armaments
7 Military Shipyards
8 Bureaucrats
All of these options may be edited except for Menu Selection 8, Bureaucrats. The number of bureaucrats is determined by the amount of taxes imposed on a planet. If taxes are not imposed, as should be the case in following Pitchonomics, 10% of the population will be assigned as bureaucrats. This is the minimum amount which can be assigned to the bureaucracy. Even here you cannot escape bureaucracy.
1) Service Sector - The service sector is that portion of the work force which provides a service to the population. Examples of Service Sector employment would be fast food establishments, barbers, hair dressers, maids, butlers, the entertainment industry, department stores, appliances, etc. This area has little affect on the growth of a planet. The Standard of Life (SOL) of a planet increases as more of the population are assigned to the Service Sector, an indication that life, life styles, are becoming easier and more enjoyable. Service Sector jobs are generally low skill positions and are cheap and easy to create. The Service Sector is an area which is basically ignored for the first three weeks of a war, but is the single most important labor sector for your final score at the end of the war. Service Sector assigned labor will be at 0 (zero) until the final minutes of a war.
2) Mining - This sector of the Labor force is actually out there swinging a pick, operating diggers, working drills, and out collecting ore to be refined by the Mine Refineries into Metal Units. Mining jobs are non-skilled and any number of people may be assigned to mining (Virtually anyone can swing a pickax) When the amount of recovered ore exceeds the Capacity of the Mining Refineries (this Refinery Capacity is the Capacity related to Mining), excess Ores will result. You have the option of storing these unrefined Ores on your planet [see PM Option 4] or sell them off planet at a reduced price. The selling of these ores occurs automatically once stored ores exceeds the Surplus Stockpile value you have set under PM Option 4. It is important that you note the distinction between Ores and Metal Units. Ores, are the unrefined product of Mining. Metal Units are the Product of refining the Ore. Metal Units are the Money of Stellar Emperor and Ores are a commodity.
3) Agriculture - This sector of the Labor Force grows the food required by the planet. Agriculture jobs are non-skilled. Anyone can hoe a row, or pick tomatoes. Food is an important aspect of Stellar Emperor PM and should be watched carefully. There are two primary indications that you have an inadequate number of workers assigned to Agriculture. The first indication you may see is the establishment of and the automatic assigning of workers to Hydroponics. Hydroponics are only employed when the food on hand is inadequate to feed the planet. The second indication is of a more serious nature, and indicates that not only do you have an inadequate percentage of the population assigned to Agriculture, the Hydroponics are unable to provide the needed food quantities and all planet stockpiles have been exhausted. This indication comes in the form of messages to you reporting to occurrence of "Food Riots"
It is virtually impossible to kill a planet through a lack of food, but you may incur delays in planet growth until Hydroponics can grow to the point of being able to handle the food need requirement. Klunker (8629) successfully grew "HUGE" planets., without ever having Agriculture assigned, having allowed the Hydroponics to take up the deficit food requirement. [Additional options discussed under initial PM]
4) Engineers - Engineers (BI) the single most important Labor sector in Stellar Emperor. BI creates the jobs for Shipyards, Armaments, Service Sector, Mining Refineries and Engineers by building plants, production facilities, malls, etc., thereby increasing the Capacity of these Labor Sectors.. A planet with out BI does not grow, because the incoming immigrating population quickly exceeds the Capacities of these work areas causing unemployment, lowering the SOL, and making the population unhappy. The more population working in BI, the faster the Capacities of the named sectors will increase. The trick is to have adequate BI for sustained growth in the Capacities of all of the sectors you desire, without having to assign a large percentage of the population to BI which will affect your planet's growth. BI is a skilled labor sector which requires extensive training. Engineers jobs are costly and time consuming to create.
5) Construction - Construction builds the houses in which the population live. The population resides in constructed housing at a ratio of about 1.3 to 1.5 individuals per house. Mercenaries require 1 house for every 2.6 to 3.0 Mercenaries. You cannot have planet growth if housing is not available to them. You should always maximize the construction labor force. More construction means more housing,. More housing means more population. More population means more in construction. Construction is a non-skilled labor sector. All population assigned to Construction will immediately be put to work building houses.
6) Armaments - Armaments (Arms) is the sector which builds probes, missiles and torpedoes for your planet. Armaments is a skilled work sector and creating new jobs are timely and costly. Armaments are manufactured in the following order: Probes, missiles and then torpedoes. The Arms factories have to be "re-tooled" (by the planet) to manufacture a particular armament. All Probes will be built first, then all missiles and finally all torpedoes. The number of these items produced is determined by the stockpile setting you have made [see PM Option 4] and the Stock Surplus setting you have made [see PM Option 2] I advise that, at least initially, if you are growing armaments, that you set your probe stockpile low, missiles slightly higher and torpedoes a little higher still. Once you have grown some of these items, you can change your Stockpile settings to allow for the manufacture of additional arms. Setting probes for 100 with a Trade surplus of 300% means that 400 probes will have to be built before even one missile can be built. Initial settings I use are Probes:1, Missiles:5, Torpedoes:100, and Trade Surplus 300%.
7) Military Shipyards - The Military shipyards (SY) manufacture Guns, Fighters, and Ships. This is a skilled labor sector and jobs are timely and costly to create. Military Shipyards has its own PM menu [see PM Option 5] which allows you to allocate the workers assigned to Military Shipyards, thereby allowing for simultaneous manufacturing of Guns and/or Fighters and/or Ships.
8) Bureaucrats - The government. This is a non-skilled sector. Any one can be a politician.
3. Modify Commodity Stockpiles
This menu option allows you to set the amount of the following named items you wish to have stored on your planet:
1 Ore
2 Consumer Goods
3 Agriculture
4 Probes
5 Missiles
6 Torpedoes
1) Ore - This is ore that has been mined and not yet processed by the mining refineries. This should always be set to 9999999 so that if your mining should exceed the capabilities of your refineries, the ore will be available to you once you have managed to get your refinery capacity above the level of the ore being mined.. Setting this to 0 (zero) causes the ore which cannot be refined to be sold off planet at a severely reduced rate. Setting this value to 100 would stockpile 100 units of ore plus the amount determined by your Trade Surplus Setting, selling off the amount which exceeded that amount.
2) Consumer Goods - These are items which have been produced by your Service Sector (plastic trinkets, etc) I normally leave this set at 0, as excess goods here are of no use, but if sold off planet will generate some revenue. [See Low Metal PM] This area is affected by the Trade Surplus Setting.
3) Agriculture - Food stockpiles. You will note that on establishing the planet, there is a preset stockpile of 1000 units. You should set this to maximum (9999999) as during the final stages of the game, you will move all of the population you can into the Service Sector (maximum would be 90% as 10% has to remain in the bureaucracy) and with no one assigned to Agriculture, no food will be produced . Not having any stockpiled food would force a portion of the population to start working on Hydroponics, lowering your score by taking population out of the Service Sector. While the Hydroponics are being built up, there will further be a portion of your population that will starve or otherwise die off in the resulting riots. This area is affected by the Trade Surplus Setting.
4, 5, and 6) Probes, Missiles and Torpedoes - These are a matter of personal preference. Once your stockpile requirements are met (too include trade surplus) armaments will continue to be produced as long as a labor force is assigned to Armaments. These additional items of these will sold off planet and will add to the planets revenues.
5) Modify Ship Building Labor
This option allows you to allocate the efforts of the Military Shipyard Labor Force activities. This menu is a further breakdown of Work Effort for the Labor Force you have assigned to Military Shipyards. The 100% referred to on this menu is 100% of the percentage of labor actually working in the shipyards from PM Option 3. You allocate this labor force into the following areas:
1 Fighters
2 Surface Guns
3 Transports
4 Destroyers
5 Cruisers
6 Battle Cruisers
7 Battleships
The manufacturing of any of these items requires a number of individuals working a length of time to accomplish the task. The number assigned to SY labor will determine how quickly a given item will take to produce. For example, if it takes 1 man 10 days to build a fighter, it will take 10 men 1 day to build that same fighter. . Time to manufacture an item can be severely shorted the more workers you have assigned firstly to Shipyards and secondly to the required task.
The items listed above are listed from the cheapest and least time consuming to create, fighters, down to the most time consuming and costly to manufacture, Battleships.
6) Factory Construction Effort
This is the area where the majority PM'rs make their biggest mistakes. The factory construction effort is how you allocate the Engineers (BI) workforce so that the Capacities of the Skilled Labor Sectors may be maintained and or increased. Here, you will divide 100% of the BI Labor force into the following areas:
1 Service Sector
2 Mining Refineries:
3 Engineers
4 Armaments
5 Shipyards
These areas are structured from the area requiring the least amount of skill, cost and time in order to build a facility, creating and STAFFING the job, the Service Sector (How much skill does it take to ask "You want fries with that?" ) down to Shipyards, which require extensive training and specific facilities in order to produce the sophisticated, highly tuned craft we fly, the fighters we use to attack planets and the precision guns we use to protect our planets. This menu option will be discussed in more detail later when I provide the various PM settings.
7) Display Planetary Report
Use this option to check on the progress of your planet and to assess the result of PM modifications. This report is formatted for display on your terminal.
The following is an explanation of the report format. The information is the same for displayed or printed reports:
Economic Report For <Planet name> <System.Planet>
Elapsed Days: XXX.XX Number of game days since you last viewed a report on this planet.
Current Population Self Explanatory
Current Change +/- change since last report
Current Rate Percentage presentation of the change
Team Access This is the ship number of the team Captain of the team you have opened your planets too.
Current Mercenaries Self Explanatory
Mercenaries Change +/- change since last report
Mercenaries Rate Percentage presentation of the change
Distress Ch: This is the channel on which the planet will call for help
Current Houses Self Explanatory
Houses Change +/- change since last report
Houses Rate Percentage presentation of Change
Current Metal Stock Amount of processed ore available to the planet to be used to pay for job creation, troops, etc.
Change Metal Stock +/- change since last report
Rate Metal Stock Percentage presentation of change
Immigration Rate you currently have Immigration set too.
Conscription Current DESIRED troop recruitment level
Max. Troops Maximum level of troops you want on your planet.
Housing Habitability: Ratio of Population to Houses usually 76-81%
Standard of Living: (SOL) Numeric presentation of the standard of life, based on the Norm being 100%. A planet can accept
a SOL of as low as 19% without rioting, but may do
so at lower SOLs. Typical EndGame SOLs are more than 250%.
The following holds true for Hydroponics , Agriculture, Service Sector, Mining, Engineers, Armaments, Ship Yards, and Construction :
Industry Name of Labor Sector
Employed Number of workers YOU assigned to the labor sector <numeric>
Capacity Number of workers that CAN be employed <Numeric>
Change +/- Change in workers within a sector <Numeric>
Growth Rate Percentage change indicated as growth
Labor Allocation Percentage of Population YOU assigned to a Labor Sector
Actual Employment Percentage of Population ACTUALLY employed in the sector
Capacity Percentage Percentage of Population that COULD be employed in the Sector
Effort Factory Construction Effort you have assigned <percentage>
Tax Rate: Rate you are taxing the Planet
Unemployment Percentage of the Planets population, not employed
Tax Amount of tax that has been collected on the planet
COMMODITY [Stockpiles]
The following information pertains to Probes, Missiles, Torpedoes, Metal Ore and Food:
On Hand Self Explanatory
Stock Desired Amount Set in PM Option 4
The following information pertains to Fighters, Guns, Transports, Destroyers, Cruisers, Battle Cruisers and Battle Ships:
On Hand Self Explanatory
Labor Labor set in PM Option 5 (Military Shipyards)
Trade Surplus Trade surplus set in PM Option 2
8. Print Planetary Report
This option provides a scrolling report which is meant to be outputted to your printer or a capture file. You may select the option of printing a report of all your planets or of a single planet.
There are three distinct stages of a Stellar Emperor war and Pitchonomics sets a few goals to be achieved during each. Each SE War has a Beginning, Midgame and Endgame.
The Beginning lasts the first 7 days of the war. During this time your actions will determine if the planet is going to be big, or HUGE. [I define HUGE as over 20,000,000 population at EndGame I have had to re-define this as a result of War 101's extensive number of planets, having populations in excess of my previous definition of 17,000,000 - Two individuals have planets with average populations over 17 Meg with 4 days left to the war (Planets have since grown to over 30 MEG by today, the final day of the war. The Four Imps were taken during this war and after correcting Dark.Empire's PM, applying Pitchonomics, at least 3 of the IMPs are over 45 MEG, the fourth being an unknown [Check for Final PM sheets for Imps 815.c and 217.b.])
Having found and established a planet, use the following guidelines for setting the Planet PM:
Operations Setting
Conscription Rate **.** [suggest 3% to 10%]
Mercenary Force 99999999
Immigration Rate 99999999
Land Use Tax 0.00
Distress Radio Channel your choice
Team Access Code [Team Captain Ship Number]
Planet Name <_your choice__>
Trade Surplus your choice
Labor Setting Notes
Service Sector 0.00
Mining 10.00
See section on Mining under MidgameAgriculture 0.00
You are setting this value until the food stockpile (1000 at the time you establish the planet) has been reduced to < 100. This can take from 2 - 3 hours, but during this time, the 4.0% of the population that you will later assign to Agriculture is in construction, building houses. Once the food stockpile drops to < 100, reset this value to 4.0% and reduce the Construction allocation the same 4%. [See notes on the Special K, Starvation PM]Engineers 3.00
Construction 7*.00
This setting will vary. To calculate your value subtract the labor settings for Service Sector, Mining, Engineers, Armaments, Shipyards and Bureaucrats from 100%Armaments 0.00
Shipyards *.**
No value will be given for shipyards as this is your choice. Remember, what ever you assign to shipyards will reduce what you assign to construction.Bureaucrats 10.00
This value is set and cannot be changedOre 9999999
Consumer Goods 0
Agriculture 9999999
Probes <your choice>
Missiles <your choice>
Torpedoes <your choice>
Commodities Stockpiles
Set your commodities stockpiles to the following settings.
Ship building labor is a matter of personal choice according to your objectives.
Engineering Construction Effort
Factory Settings Percent
Service Sector 0.00
Mining Refineries 100.00
Engineers 0.00
Armaments 0.00
Shipyards 0.00
During the first 24 Hours following establishing a planet, use the following factory settings to the right.
Metals are required on your planet, and a very common cause of poor growth is due to "metal starvation." This occurs when, even though there may be an adequate percentage of the population assigned to Mining Labor, the Mining Refineries cannot refine the ore that is being produced. This initial surge will boost the Mining Refinery Cap and allow you to use the lower BI required for Planet Growth to meet the needs of the other Labor Sectors.
Factory Settings Percent Alternate
Service Sector 0.00 0.00
Mining Refineries 10.00 10.00
Engineers 60.00 50.00
Armaments 0.00 0.00
Shipyards 30.00 40.00
At the end of the first 24 hour period, change to the settings in the table to the left.
The alternate settings have been used to some success, (don jose, has taken the Presidency on numerous occasions using these settings, although his resultant planet size was smaller than he would have had using Pitchonomics). The primary goal of the Alternate Settings is to increase the Military Shipyard capacity. Pitchonomics requires that a lower BI setting be used (3%, vs a common 5% setting) so that the extra percentage can be placed into Construction. The advantage gained through increased population will allow you to allocate a lower percentage of your population to obtain the same results as if
you had run a higher percentage earlier, but with the benefit of being able to continue to build your planet population. One drawback to Pitchonomics is that with the reduced percentage of assigned population, it takes more effort to obtain the same results in Factory Construction.These settings should remain quite stable for the first 7 days of a war. Feel free to adjust them, tweaking them as required (i.e. if your Mining Refinery Cap drops below the percentage of population assigned, you will want to increase the Mining Refinery Effort, reducing from Shipyards first) Use these settings as a guideline and adjust them to your planets accordingly.
The Midgame lasts for the middle two weeks of the war. During this time that you should consolidate your offensive and defensive capabilities (major planet attacks, grow large ships, etc) and during the third week of the war, prepare for the Endgame. The Midgame PM is primarily concerned with PM Options 3 (Modify Labor Assignments) and 6 (Factory Construction Effort.)
The Service Sector will remain at
0.00%Mining starts out during the Beginning at 10.00. This is a valid level for all acceptable metal rating planets. Once the LOAN has been paid off, you will reduce this to a level (approximate) based on the following guideline:
Planet Metal Rating Mining Labor Add to Construction
96% to 100% 4.00 % + 6.0 %
91% to 95% 4.50 % + 5.5 %
86% to 90% 5.00 % + 5.0 %
81% to 85% 6.00 % + 4.0 %
75% to 80% 6.50 % + 3.5 %
These are rough figures and are meant to be "tweaked" to obtain the best possible Construction percentage. Using these figures, however will most likely provide you with acceptable results.. Note - If you were operating at a higher BI, the Mining Labor will have to be much higher. This reduces the amount assigned to construction two ways, firstly by the Higher BI and secondly by the higher Mining Labor allocation.
You will need to monitor your Metals Stock. (see below)
[ Part of PM Option 7, Display Planetary Report]
Economic Report For Pitchonomics (9713.a)
Elapsed Days: 100.00
Current Increase Rate
Population 63328977 1529792 20.80% Team Access :9713
Mercenaries 969362 55734 52.51% Distress Ch.: 911
Houses 52696098 1175662 35.74%
Metal Stock 33979704 1529792 40.03% Loan: 0
You can see from the previous display that the Metal Stock is roughly 50% of the population. This is OPTIMUM for Pitchonomics. The Metal Stock on a planet should be between 40% and 60% of the planets population. If you have MORE Metal Stock than this, you have too many assigned to Mining, if you have LESS, you haven't assigned enough. Adjust your Mining Labor allocation in .1 (point one) steps as required until the metal stock of your planet falls in this range, and appears to be growing at about the same rate as your planets population. Add or subtract what you put in or take out of Mining into Construction. * Note - you can monitor your remaining Loan balance on the above screen.
The best setting for agriculture is 4.00%.
I have experimented with Agriculture and have successfully been able to take this value down to 3.6% and lower. I have determined that if you use the 4% setting, you will never have to worry about your food stocks, and you will have an ample stockpile accumulated for EndGame. Feel free to experiment here with lower values. [See notes on Special K, starvation PM] The number of Mercenaries will continue to increase on your planet as the war progresses until the level reaches the limit set by you in PM Operations. These troops need to be fed and will draw more and more on your food stockpiles as the war progresses. Having a lower Agriculture rating may not allow you to feed your population, feed your troops, and continue to increase the Food Stockpile. You can determine the success or lack of success with your Agriculture experiments by monitoring the Food Stockpile. A decreasing value indicates that the population (including Mercenaries) are eating more than you are producing. An increasing value indicates that you are producing more than is being eaten.
The recommended setting for Engineers is 3.00%
During the second week of the war, this value should remain at 3.00%. (Your BI CAPACITY though should continue to grow, and should be over 5% by the end of week 2. IF it does not appear that it is going to make this, you will need to change the Factory Construction Effort, placing more effort in building up the BI factories) During the first two weeks of the war your planet will make its most dramatic growth, from near 100% per day during the early days, slowing to 16% per day near the end of the second week.(about when the population of the planet reaches 5,000,000 or so) and slowing still further (percentage wise) as you near EndGame as the cost to manufacture a new house skyrockets and more and more labor is required to produce one. It is paramount that during this period that you assign as much of your population as you can to Construction.
The Third Week of the war, you will raise your BI Capacity to > 15% in preparation for the EndGame. Note here that I said CAPACITY and not ASSIGNED. Set BI labor to 5% the Saturday beginning week 3 of the war. Additional changes will be made in the Factory Construction Effort which will allow you to grow your BI Capacity to the required level. Increasing your CAP does not require that you ASSIGN that percentage to the Labor Sector. A BI of 5% will allow you to increase your BI CAP to > 15% over the next 7 days. [See Factory Construction Effort, Week 3]
This setting will vary..
The Maximizing of the percentage of the population to Construction remains the prime goal here. Keep as much as you possibly can assigned to construction, typically this is > 73%
7 Military Shipyards <Your Option>
8 Bureaucrats 10.00 **This value is set and cannot be changed**
PM Option 6 Factory Construction Effort
1 Service Sector 0.00
Factory construction for the Service Sector will remain at 0.00 for the Midgame.
2 Mining Refineries **.**
Mining refineries will most likely vary between 5.00 % and 10.00% depending on how closely you are maintaining the CAP. You need only maintain a Cap above the percentage assigned.
3 Engineers **.**
Industry Labor Actual Capacity Construction
Allocation Employment Percentage Effort
Agriculture 4.00% 4.00%
Service Sector 0.00% 0.00% 2.71% 0.00%
Mining 5.50% 5.50% 8.05% 5.00%
Engineers 5.00% 5.00% 10.70% 95.00%
Armaments 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Ship Yards *.**% *.**% **.**% 0.00%
Construction 76.00% 76.81%
Bureaucrats ****** 10.00% Tax Rate: 0.00%
Unemployment 0 0.00% Tax : 0
========================== Example 3rd Week PM ====================
**See Notes in the Constant Feed Method**
a) 2nd Week
Your objective during the second week of the war is to keep the Mining CAPACITY PERCENTAGE above the level of the Mining LABOR ALLOCATION (by raising the capacity rather than by lowering the assigned) This will insure that there are adequate Metal Stocks available on your planet. Additionally, you should attempt to keep the Engineers Capacity Percentage Above the Engineers Labor Allocation. The Second week is basically a continuance of the first week, PM wise.
b) 3rd Week
During this week, you are attempting to raise your planets ' Engineers CAPACITY PERCENTAGE to a minimum value of 15%. You need to do this so that you can create all the necessary jobs in the Service Sector during EndGame in order to maximize your score. The Engineers Labor has been set to 5.00%, and the Factory Construction Effort should be set to 90.00 to 95.00%, the balance being assigned to Mining refineries Factory Construction. The combination of these two settings should be adequate to make the minimum Cap of 15%. [Note 1 - The higher the BI CAP, the FASTER you will be able to create Service Sector jobs. Note 2 - If this combination does not work, or does not appear to be increasing your BI Cap fast enough, you can assign more LABOR to Engineers at the cost of lowering your Construction Efforts] Note 3 - Once you exceed the 15% minimum, you can either continue building the Cap or re-direct your Factory Construction efforts to Mining, Shipyards, etc.]
4 Armaments <Your Choice> [See Constant Feed Method]
Additions here mean deductions from your Engineers and is not advised.
5 Shipyards <Your Choice> [See Constant Feed Method]
Week 2 <Your Choice>
Week 3 Additions here mean deductions from your Engineers
and is not advised. Your Ship Yards should have attained
adequate growth during Week 2.
EndGame is the final week of the war. Your objective at this time is to MAXIMIZE your Service Sector (SS) Capacity by 1 hour prior to the End Of The War. A minimum of 90% SS Capacity is required for maximum points at EndGame.
On the last Saturday before the End of the War: [5-6 days before End Of War]
Raise your Engineers Labor (assigned) to 15% (The minimum obtained during week 3). You can use the constant feed method to assign this labor.
Raise your Mining Labor (assigned) by 1-2% and monitor your Metal Stock closely. The increased BI and surge in SS job creation will draw heavily on your Metal Stock. Adjust Mining accordingly to meet the increased Metals demand..
Re-Allocate your Factory Construction Effort to 95% in Service Sector and 5% in Mining refineries.
Monitor the Service Sector Capacity. Once 100% is obtained, you can re-allocate this effort, lower your assigned BI and Mining Labor and return to planet growth. Always maintain the Service Sector capacity at a level above 95% and you will not have a problem with your End Game score. Only 90% is required, but by having 100% you can allow for continued planet growth.
The last action you will take during a war is to re-allocate your population into the Service Sector in PM Option 3. Your Service Sector Capacity should be greater than the necessary 90% (only 90% is required as you cannot re-allocate the 10% assigned to the Bureaucracy) , but if it is not, maximize the amount you can assign to SS, placing the remaining amount into Agriculture. You must do this approximately 30 minutes before the end of the war or your foodstocks may run out, and as this action is time consuming (it will take you about 5 minutes per planet to make the re-adjustment) you want to be sure that you can complete the change prior to the End of the War. Typical Standard of Life values will be 240% to 275% .
End of Pitchonomics -
Occasionally, you will find a planet that makes you want to cry like a 100 Hab planet with only a 10 Metals rating. Pming such planets can make for an interesting experiment and it is possible to grow planets with these statistics, but they will never obtain the growth of a high metal planet. Mining on such a planet would require such a high amount of mining assigned as to make this prohibitive. You can though, use the Service Sector to provide you the required metals. A Service Sector of 25% will provide you the Metals required to grow your planet. Experiment with this. Perhaps a lower level can be used.
Special K, Starvation PM
Klunker (8629) has recently experimented with a new variation to PMing which appears to have generated some interesting results. Normally, Agriculture Labor Sector settings will range from 3.6 to 4.0% assigned in order to provide adequate food for your planets. Klunker set his Agriculture setting to zero, forcing the planet to create and use Hydroponics. He found that the resulting amount of labor required to maintain the necessary food levels for his planets, using Hydroponics, only 2.0% of his population was required, which allowed him to place the additional 1.6% to 2.0% into construction. The drawback to this is the delay required to initially establish your planets Hydroponics. You need to weigh this against the final results.
DarkEmpire 50/50 PM - As a variation to the above, it was discovered when The Dominion took the 4 Imperial Planets during war 101. Dark.Empire had PM'd his planets in a manner which uses both The Special K and the standard Agriculture settings. Agriculture was set to 2.0% and Hydroponics had been allowed to develop. This method resulted in the ability to assign a percentage in excess of 80% to construction when 73 - 78% is a normal value. This method will be investigated and updated information provided later.
TRA - The TRAnsfer Command: This command is unique to Stellar Emperor versions 2 onward. The TRA command was used in SE version 1 and is still in use in MegaWars3 to allow for the TRAnsferring of metal units between ships.
Current usage of this command allows a ship command the TRAnsfer command of their on-board fighters and troops to another ship, up to four ships transferring command to a single "command" ship. When the "command ship" ATTacks a target planet, all ships that have transferred command to it will also ATT the target planet. This command is very beneficial to the taking of planets and the results are roughly as follows:
Note - All attack figures below are based on the assumption that the attacking ships are Battleships, fully loaded with 1000 fighters and 10000 troops and assuming that the planet being attacked has a minimum of 10,000 guns defending it. Any ship (other than scouts and transports) can TRAnsfer command to another non scout or transport ship. The results received will be pro-rated down from the following figures. All figures are approximate and can vary + or - 10%.
1 Battle Ship 300 guns killed
TRA ships
2 Battleships 600 guns killed EACH - total 1260 guns killed
3 Battleships 900 guns killed EACH - total 2700 guns killed
4 Battleships 1200 guns killed EACH - total 4800 guns killed
5 Battleships 1500 guns killed EACH - total 7500 guns killed
1500 guns killed per ship seems to be the maximum it will allow. Never the less, it is quite easy to see how we were able to take the Imperial bases which are PM'd to have about 20,000 guns protecting them. Three, 5 Ship TRA's took each Imperial base.