Final Scores of Stellar Emperor War 9 1998-10-02 21:30 -> 1998-10-31 23:59 Emperor of the Galaxy: 708828 Talon Lord Talon D!! President of the Imperial Senate: 187679 Hetulik Hetulik Warlord of the Galaxy: 832817 Kilrathi Lord Maelstrom D!! BAN Ravager of the Empire: 519670 Tafoid Tafoid's Loaner D!!SC Top Individual Scores: 1. 37,948,857 187679 Hetulik Hetulik 2. 34,093,568 519670 Tafoid Tafoid's Loaner D!!SC 3. 31,870,773 201070 Yoda Yoda -Father of Hetulik 4. 30,928,568 735761 Aesir Aesir D!! 5. 25,642,230 987713 Invader Lord VaclavskeD!!SC/BAN 6. 23,108,539 610304 PackFan Lord PackFan D!!SC 7. 21,757,914 694478 Cascade LordCascadianDSC 8. 19,875,924 832817 Kilrathi Lord Maelstrom D!! BAN 9. 18,460,119 565441 Hellfire Big beer of D!!SC 10. 17,929,050 807227 Spook Holy Priest of D!!SC Top Alliances: 1. 1,015,933 708828 The Dominon D!! 2. 562,841 879741 Funky unjustly Bann 3. 143,081 708176 ARMS 4. 79,192 201070 PM Academy 5. 61,719 741546 D! x2 Defenders 6. 31,289 246549 SFRT 7. 27,769 158722 DA LoNeR 8. 21,574 249129 DRAGON CLAN 9. 13,123 191458 The Rebel Alience 10. 7,841 449038 Black Roses Congratulations to all combatants!